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nova scheduler 原理介绍和源码解析



在 openstack 中,scheduler 负责从宿主机(运行 nova-compute 的节点)中根据一系列的算法和参数(CPU 核数,可用 RAM,镜像类型等 )选择出来一个,来部署虚拟机(instance)。openstack 官方网站上这张经典的图可以直观地看到 scheduler 的两个步骤:过滤(filter) + 权重计算(weighting)。


简单来说,过滤就是把不符合条件的宿主机去除掉,权重计算就是把剩下的主机根据某个值排序。如果这个过程中出错,就会报 NoValidHost 这个“万能错误”(horizon 上部署机器这个错误出现的几率很高,而且原因是多种多样的)。


注:下面所有分析的源码都是在 Icehouse 版本进行的,其他版本可能会有不同。


scheduler 相关的代码主要放在 nova/scheduler/ 这个文件夹下面,外加 nova/filters.pynova/weights.py 这两个辅助文件。


├── __init__.py
├── baremetal_host_manager.py
├── caching_scheduler.py
├── chance.py
├── driver.py
├── filter_scheduler.py
├── filters
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── affinity_filter.py
│   ├── aggregate_image_properties_isolation.py
│   ├── aggregate_instance_extra_specs.py
│   ├── aggregate_multitenancy_isolation.py
│   ├── all_hosts_filter.py
│   ├── availability_zone_filter.py
│   ├── compute_capabilities_filter.py
│   ├── compute_filter.py
│   ├── core_filter.py
│   ├── disk_filter.py
│   ├── extra_specs_ops.py
│   ├── image_props_filter.py
│   ├── io_ops_filter.py
│   ├── isolated_hosts_filter.py
│   ├── json_filter.py
│   ├── metrics_filter.py
│   ├── num_instances_filter.py
│   ├── pci_passthrough_filter.py
│   ├── ram_filter.py
│   ├── retry_filter.py
│   ├── trusted_filter.py
│   └── type_filter.py
├── host_manager.py
├── manager.py
├── rpcapi.py
├── scheduler_options.py
├── utils.py
└── weights
    ├── __init__.py
    ├── metrics.py
    └── ram.py

manager.py 这个文件中主要处理 Scheduler 服务接受到的消息,除了 run_instance 之外,还有 live_migrationprep_resize。 这些操作一般会直接调用自身的 Scheduler 去执行,也有一部分会直接发送消息给 compute 服务去做。

host_manager.py 是管理 zone 里面宿主机资源的,里面有两个类:

  • HostState 封装了一台宿主机的资源情况,比如可用的内存,已用的内存,已用的硬盘,可用的硬盘,运行的 instance 个数,宿主机 ip,宿主机类型等等信息,还包含了一些方法来更新这些值。
  • HostManager: 管理宿主机的类,主要功能是:调用 filter 和 weight 的 handler 和配置里定义的对应的类来实现调度,主要的方法有:
    • get_all_host_states(self, context): 返回能发现的所有宿主机信息,返回值是 HostState 列表
    • get_filters_hosts(self, hosts, filter_properties):返回符合过滤条件的所有宿主机
    • get_weighted_hosts(self, hosts, weight_properties):对传进去的宿主机进行权重计算,返回排序好的列表

filters/__init__.py 定义了两个重要的类:

  • BaseHostFilter:所有的 filter 都要继承这个基类来实现自己的过滤功能,里面有两个方法:
    • host_passes(self, host_state, filter_properties):如果 HostState 能够通过过滤函数,就返回 True,否则返回 False
    • _filter_one(self, obj, filter_properties):调用 host_passes,判断 obj 是否能通过过滤
  • HostFilterHandler:直接继承自 nova/filters.py:BaseFiltrHandler 这个类,最重要的方法是 get_filtered_objects(self, filter_classes, objs, filter_properties, index=0),对每台 instance 调用 各个 filter_classes(可能有些 filter 只在第一次运行),最后返回通过的对象

weights/__init__.py 也定义了两个重要的类:

  • BaseHostWeigher:直接继承自 nova/weights.py:BaseWeigher,所有具体的子类都要继承这个类,并实现自己的 _weigh_object(self, host_state, weight_properties) 方法,来对宿主机计算权重。
  • HostWeightHandler:直接继承自 nova/weights.py:BaseWeightHandler 类,最重要的方法是 get_weighted_objects(self, weigher_classes, obj_list, weighing_properties),用来调用各个权重类来计算总的权重,并返回排序后的结果

weights/metrics.py:根据自定义的 metrics 进行权重计算



  1. nova-scheduler 服务从 MQ 中接收到创建虚拟机的请求,调用 manger.py:SchedulerManagerrun_instance 方法
  2. run_instance 中会调用自己 driver(默认是 filter_scheduler.py:FilterScheduler) 的 schedule_run_instance 方法来调度
  3. schedule_run_instance 会调用自身类里 _schedule 方法来进行过滤和计算权重
  4. _schedule 方法会调用 host_manager.py:HostManagerget_all_host_states 来获取所有可用的宿主机,调用 get_filtered_hosts 来对宿主机进行过滤,调用 get_weighed_hosts 对宿主机进行权重排序。如果有多个 instances 要创建,会循环为每个 instance 都跑一遍,获得最终的宿主机
  5. get_filtered_hosts 会先对 ignore_hostsforce_hostsforce_nodes 属性进行过滤,然后调用 self.filter_handler.get_filtered_objects 方法。默认的 filter_handler 是 scheduler/filters/__init__.py:HostFilterHandler ,它直接继承了 nova/filtes.py:BaseFilterHandler 类的 get_filted_objects 方法,这个方法会调用所有的 filter_class,执行最终的过滤
  6. 类似的,get_weighed_hosts 直接调用 self.weight_handler.get_weighed_objects 方法,默认的 weight_handler 是 scheduler/weights/__init__.py:HostWeightHandler,它直接继承了 nova/weights.py:BaseWeightHandlerget_weighed_objects,这个方法是最终计算权重并排序的地方
  7. 得到了最终的列表,就循环给 nova-compute 发消息,里面带上刚选择的宿主机,并更新数库中 instance 的数据
  8. nova-compute 接收到消息,开始自己的逻辑,部署一台虚拟机


我们重点讲一下 Scheduler,所有的 Scheduler 的基类是 nova/scheduler/driver.py:Scheduler

class Scheduler(object):
    """The base class that all Scheduler classes should inherit from."""

    def __init__(self):
        self.host_manager = importutils.import_object(
        self.servicegroup_api = servicegroup.API()

    def run_periodic_tasks(self, context):
        """Manager calls this so drivers can perform periodic tasks."""

    def hosts_up(self, context, topic):
        """Return the list of hosts that have a running service for topic."""

        services = db.service_get_all_by_topic(context, topic)
        return [service['host']
                for service in services
                if self.servicegroup_api.service_is_up(service)]

    def schedule_run_instance(self, context, request_spec,
                              admin_password, injected_files,
                              requested_networks, is_first_time,
                              filter_properties, legacy_bdm_in_spec):
        """Must override schedule_run_instance method for scheduler to work."""
        msg = _("Driver must implement schedule_run_instance")
        raise NotImplementedError(msg)

    def select_destinations(self, context, request_spec, filter_properties):
        """Must override select_destinations method.

        :return: A list of dicts with 'host', 'nodename' and 'limits' as keys
            that satisfies the request_spec and filter_properties.
        msg = _("Driver must implement select_destinations")
        raise NotImplementedError(msg)

子类需要实现 schedule_run_instanceselect_destionations 方法来做具体的调度。目前有三种不同的实现:

  • chance.py:ChanceScheduler :随机选择一台宿主机,只要上面 nova-compute 服务正常,并且不再 ignore_hosts 列表里
  • filter_scheduler.py:FilterScheduler:先过滤后计算权重的调度模式,用户可以扩展自己的 filter
  • caching_scheduler.py:CachingScheduler :在 FilterScheduler 上面又封装了一层,将所有 host 信息保存到内存中,然后定时通过 DB 来信息来更新这个列表,这样下次调度的时候使用缓存的数据

默认使用 FilterScheduler,也是我们下面重点介绍的部分。刚刚提到,它最重要的方法是 schedule_run_isntance

def schedule_run_instance(self, context, request_spec,
                          admin_password, injected_files,
                          requested_networks, is_first_time,
                          filter_properties, legacy_bdm_in_spec):
    """This method is called from nova.compute.api to provision
    an instance.  We first create a build plan (a list of WeightedHosts)
    and then provision.

    Returns a list of the instances created.
    payload = dict(request_spec=request_spec)
    self.notifier.info(context, 'scheduler.run_instance.start', payload)

    instance_uuids = request_spec.get('instance_uuids')
    LOG.info(_("Attempting to build %(num_instances)d instance(s) "
                "uuids: %(instance_uuids)s"),
              {'num_instances': len(instance_uuids),
               'instance_uuids': instance_uuids})
    LOG.debug(_("Request Spec: %s") % request_spec)

    weighed_hosts = self._schedule(context, request_spec,
                                   filter_properties, instance_uuids)

    # NOTE: Pop instance_uuids as individual creates do not need the
    # set of uuids. Do not pop before here as the upper exception
    # handler fo NoValidHost needs the uuid to set error state
    instance_uuids = request_spec.pop('instance_uuids')

    # NOTE(comstud): Make sure we do not pass this through.  It
    # contains an instance of RpcContext that cannot be serialized.
    filter_properties.pop('context', None)

    for num, instance_uuid in enumerate(instance_uuids):
        request_spec['instance_properties']['launch_index'] = num

                weighed_host = weighed_hosts.pop(0)
                LOG.info(_("Choosing host %(weighed_host)s "
                            "for instance %(instance_uuid)s"),
                          {'weighed_host': weighed_host,
                           'instance_uuid': instance_uuid})
            except IndexError:
                raise exception.NoValidHost(reason="")

            self._provision_resource(context, weighed_host,
                                     injected_files, admin_password,
        except Exception as ex:
            # NOTE(vish): we don't reraise the exception here to make sure
            #             that all instances in the request get set to
            #             error properly
            driver.handle_schedule_error(context, ex, instance_uuid,
        # scrub retry host list in case we're scheduling multiple
        # instances:
        retry = filter_properties.get('retry', {})
        retry['hosts'] = []

    self.notifier.info(context, 'scheduler.run_instance.end', payload)


  1. 准备和构造工作
  2. 调用 _schedule 方法进行调度
  3. 循环调度的结果,调用 _provision_resource 进行部署

_provision_resource 的主要工作就是更新宿主机的资源情况,向 compute 发送部署消息,我们来重点看一下 _schedule

def _schedule(self, context, request_spec, filter_properties,
    """Returns a list of hosts that meet the required specs,
    ordered by their fitness.
    elevated = context.elevated()
    instance_properties = request_spec['instance_properties']
    instance_type = request_spec.get("instance_type", None)

    update_group_hosts = self._setup_instance_group(context,

    config_options = self._get_configuration_options()

    # check retry policy.  Rather ugly use of instance_uuids[0]...
    # but if we've exceeded max retries... then we really only
    # have a single instance.
    properties = instance_properties.copy()
    if instance_uuids:
        properties['uuid'] = instance_uuids[0]
    self._populate_retry(filter_properties, properties)

    filter_properties.update({'context': context,
                              'request_spec': request_spec,
                              'config_options': config_options,
                              'instance_type': instance_type})


    # Find our local list of acceptable hosts by repeatedly
    # filtering and weighing our options. Each time we choose a
    # host, we virtually consume resources on it so subsequent
    # selections can adjust accordingly.

    # Note: remember, we are using an iterator here. So only
    # traverse this list once. This can bite you if the hosts
    # are being scanned in a filter or weighing function.
    hosts = self._get_all_host_states(elevated)

    selected_hosts = []
    if instance_uuids:
        num_instances = len(instance_uuids)
        num_instances = request_spec.get('num_instances', 1)
    for num in xrange(num_instances):
        # Filter local hosts based on requirements ...
        hosts = self.host_manager.get_filtered_hosts(hosts,
                filter_properties, index=num)
        if not hosts:
            # Can't get any more locally.

        LOG.debug(_("Filtered %(hosts)s"), {'hosts': hosts})

        weighed_hosts = self.host_manager.get_weighed_hosts(hosts,

        LOG.debug(_("Weighed %(hosts)s"), {'hosts': weighed_hosts})

        scheduler_host_subset_size = CONF.scheduler_host_subset_size
        if scheduler_host_subset_size > len(weighed_hosts):
            scheduler_host_subset_size = len(weighed_hosts)
        if scheduler_host_subset_size < 1:
            scheduler_host_subset_size = 1

        chosen_host = random.choice(

        # Now consume the resources so the filter/weights
        # will change for the next instance.
        if update_group_hosts is True:
    return selected_hosts


  1. 更新和完善 filter_properties
  2. 获取所有宿主机信息
  3. 为每个 instance 循环调用 filter 和 weigh 方法
  4. 获取最终的宿主机,并更新宿主机资源信息

filter 部分最终会调用 nova/filters.py:BaseFilterHandler 定义的方法:

def get_filtered_objects(self, filter_classes, objs,
        filter_properties, index=0):
    list_objs = list(objs)
    LOG.debug(_("Starting with %d host(s)"), len(list_objs))
    for filter_cls in filter_classes:
        cls_name = filter_cls.__name__
        filter = filter_cls()

        if filter.run_filter_for_index(index):
            objs = filter.filter_all(list_objs,
            if objs is None:
                LOG.debug(_("Filter %(cls_name)s says to stop filtering"),
                      {'cls_name': cls_name})
            list_objs = list(objs)
            if not list_objs:
                LOG.info(_("Filter %s returned 0 hosts"), cls_name)
            LOG.debug(_("Filter %(cls_name)s returned "
                        "%(obj_len)d host(s)"),
                      {'cls_name': cls_name, 'obj_len': len(list_objs)})
    return list_objs

没什么好说的,就是把所有的 filters 都跑一遍,进去的是 objs 对象,返回能通过 filter 的 list_objs。每个 filter 都是调用 filter_all 方法,这个方法最终会调用 filter 的 host_passes,后面还会分析几个 filter 的代码。

类似的,权重计算过程也是调用所有的 weigh 类:

def get_weighed_objects(self, weigher_classes, obj_list,
    """Return a sorted (descending), normalized list of WeighedObjects."""

    if not obj_list:
        return []

    weighed_objs = [self.object_class(obj, 0.0) for obj in obj_list]
    for weigher_cls in weigher_classes:
        weigher = weigher_cls()
        weights = weigher.weigh_objects(weighed_objs, weighing_properties)

        # Normalize the weights
        weights = normalize(weights,

        for i, weight in enumerate(weights):
            obj = weighed_objs[i]
            obj.weight += weigher.weight_multiplier() * weight

    return sorted(weighed_objs, key=lambda x: x.weight, reverse=True)

不同的是,每个对象最终的权重是叠加起来的。为了防止某些 weigh 计算得到的值太夸张(比如你自定义了一个类,把权重结果设置得很大),在叠加之前还会调用 normalize 函数把值标准化到 [0, 1] 之间,算法也比较简单,会取出你给出的一组权重值的最大值和最小值,然后每个值变成:

(value - min) / (max - min)

这样就不会出现某个权重指标影响过大的问题。除此之外,每个权重指标还有一个 multiplier 的概念,就是你希望某个指标占的比重更大一点,而不是所有权重指标都一样。


nova/scheduler/filters/__init__.py 文件中有一个类 BaseHostFilter

class BaseHostFilter(filters.BaseFilter):
    """Base class for host filters."""
    def _filter_one(self, obj, filter_properties):
        """Return True if the object passes the filter, otherwise False."""
        return self.host_passes(obj, filter_properties)

    def host_passes(self, host_state, filter_properties):
        """Return True if the HostState passes the filter, otherwise False.
        Override this in a subclass.
        raise NotImplementedError()

这个类是所有具体 filter 的基类,子类需要实现自己的 host_passes 方法,我们先看一个简单的 filter:

class BaseRamFilter(filters.BaseHostFilter):

    def _get_ram_allocation_ratio(self, host_state, filter_properties):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def host_passes(self, host_state, filter_properties):
        """Only return hosts with sufficient available RAM."""
        instance_type = filter_properties.get('instance_type')
        requested_ram = instance_type['memory_mb']
        free_ram_mb = host_state.free_ram_mb
        total_usable_ram_mb = host_state.total_usable_ram_mb

        ram_allocation_ratio = self._get_ram_allocation_ratio(host_state,

        memory_mb_limit = total_usable_ram_mb * ram_allocation_ratio
        used_ram_mb = total_usable_ram_mb - free_ram_mb
        usable_ram = memory_mb_limit - used_ram_mb
        if not usable_ram >= requested_ram:
            LOG.debug(_("%(host_state)s does not have %(requested_ram)s MB "
                    "usable ram, it only has %(usable_ram)s MB usable ram."),
                    {'host_state': host_state,
                     'requested_ram': requested_ram,
                     'usable_ram': usable_ram})
            return False

        # save oversubscription limit for compute node to test against:
        host_state.limits['memory_mb'] = memory_mb_limit
        return True

filters/ram_filter.py 文件中定义的 BaseRamFilter 很简单,只要宿主机可分配的内存大于 instance 请求的内存,就返回 True,否则返回 False。类似的 DiskFilterCoreFilter 都是同样的意思。这些简单的 filters 组合起来非常强大,可以满足很复杂的需求。


所有的 weigh 类只要继承 schedule/weights/__ini__.py:BaseHostWeigher,实现自己的 _weigh_objects 就可以啦,比如 RamWeigher

class RAMWeigher(weights.BaseHostWeigher):
    minval = 0

    def weight_multiplier(self):
        """Override the weight multiplier."""
        return CONF.ram_weight_multiplier

    def _weigh_object(self, host_state, weight_properties):
        """Higher weights win.  We want spreading to be the default."""
        return host_state.free_ram_mb

_weigh_object 返回一个数值,表示权重指标。另外一个 weigher 类是 MetricsWeigher

class MetricsWeigher(weights.BaseHostWeigher):
    def __init__(self):

    def _parse_setting(self):
        self.setting = utils.parse_options(CONF.metrics.weight_setting,

    def weight_multiplier(self):
        """Override the weight multiplier."""
        return CONF.metrics.weight_multiplier

    def _weigh_object(self, host_state, weight_properties):
        value = 0.0

        for (name, ratio) in self.setting:
                value += host_state.metrics[name].value * ratio
            except KeyError:
                if CONF.metrics.required:
                    raise exception.ComputeHostMetricNotFound(
                    # We treat the unavailable metric as the most negative
                    # factor, i.e. set the value to make this obj would be
                    # at the end of the ordered weighed obj list
                    # Do nothing if ratio or weight_multiplier is 0.
                    if ratio * self.weight_multiplier() != 0:
                        return CONF.metrics.weight_of_unavailable

        return value

返回所有自定义 metrics 与对应 ratio 的乘积和。

如果需要定制自己的调度算法,只要在 filters 或者 weights 文件夹下面添加一个文件,并修改一下配置文件就好了。

对了,还要提醒一件事:因为 filters 是逐个调用的,所以最好把过滤性强(能除去更多不符合条件宿主机)的放到配置项的最前面。


* indicates required