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Python ConfigParser Module

Python Module

Python has a rich library which is clear, simple and easy-to-use.
It covers all subjects you might think of, from text process to network parser, from email to UI.
About python libraries and modules, you can refer to python wiki, and Python Module of the Module.


About ConfigParser

ConfigParser is a relatively simple module, it involves standard read, write ,remove and udpate functions.

What does it do?

ConfigParser handles config file that stores useful and simple data for program to use when running.
It follows certain format which makes it much simpler to read and write. A configfile might looks like:

name = James Bond
job = killer
gender = male

title : 007
length : 90min
director: unknown

Config File consists of many sections(annotated by a pair of quare braclet) that gathers a group of data.
Each line is a key-value dict divided by ‘=’ or ‘:’ called item. All of keys are options of a section.

After understading its content, you might get the idea of its function: stores data in uniform and make it convenient to manage.
Like any kind of data, it provides read, write, remove and update methods along with list values, check exists etc.

Get Start

from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
parser = SafeConfigParser()

parser.get('section', 'key')            #get value of section.key
parser.set('section', 'key', 'value')   #set section.key as value
parser.remove_section('section')        #remove whole section content
parser.remove_option('section', 'key')  #remove a certain item
parser.add_section('section')           #add a new section


* indicates required